Help save our Runway
Hello, and welcome to my go-fund-me sponsorship page..! I’m Robert Mangham and I live near Rattlesden Airfield.
The airfield was the base during WW2 for the American 447th Bombardment Group (BG). Between December 1943 and April 1945, 447th BG flew 258 combat missions over Europe, comprising 8,229 sorties. Thus, the site is steeped in history, and played an active role in fighting off the threat of a Nazi invasion.
Unfortunately, whilst a 1 km stretch of the original runway is still used by Rattlesden Gliding Club (RGC), time is beginning to take its toll. Potholes now litter the surface and seem to have teamed up with the weeds to destroy the tarmac. In short, the future viability of the site could be at risk unless urgent repairs are conducted. RGC is fortunate to have enthusiastic volunteers among its members for conducting maintenance. Indeed, club volunteers restored the original control tower to its former glory in 2024, and a modest museum was also created hosting photographs and memorabilia in honour of the American aircrews who risked their lives flying dangerous sorties from the airfield. Despite such dedication, what is lacking is actual funding for purchasing the necessary materials for runway repairs.
On Sunday 16th February 2025, I will be participating in a sports endurance event in the depths of Thetford forest, Norfolk, where participants are required to run as far as they can in 4 hours. Through my go-fund-me page I am hoping that money can be raised as a contribution to the gliding club’s existing “Runway Repair Fund”. As a grey haired 64-year-old I would hope that I will be able to complete around 15 miles in the allocated time, so I am proposing a flat amount of £10 per sponsor provided that distance is achieved. There is no additional obligation if that distance is exceeded, although please feel free to donate multiples of £10 if you wish..! You can rest assured that 100% of funds raised will go directly to saving Rattlesden’s historic runway.
Thank you in advance for your support if you are able to sponsor me in February! And if you’re able to say yes to gift aid (UK tax payers only), we can raise even more money!
Sponsor Me Now! (please..!)