Slingsby T21C - Dutch registration PH-110
The Slingsby T21C with the Dutch registration PH-110 was formerly registered in Great Britain as BGA1030 and has the serial number 1086. The T21C (also known as Type 46) first flew in October 1957 and was extensively modified, the wing position was lowered so that the pylon of the T21B was omitted and the wingspan was increased to 56.5 feet, the tail unit was completely redesigned and the aircraft was given an enclosed canopy. This aircraft went to Holland in 1991, where it was badly damaged in a crash in 1995. The wreckage was stored in a trailer for many years. The aircraft was restored by Martijn Hoogenbosch and his team in Hilversum from 2003 to 2009. There is extensive documentation about this. In spring 2022, I took over the glider with a damaged outer wing and repaired it in May 2022.
I am now looking for a new owner who would like to take care of this unique glider.
I thought of your organisation, which is dedicated to the preservation of historic gliders. If you or any of your members are interested, please let me know. sebastian.brunnhuber@